Spanish Language Ads Calling for Latinos to Vote

…against those politicians that opposed our community’s DREAM.  Have you listened to the radio ads?

English translation of transcript:

What would you do if a group of politicians were denying your hopes, your dreams?

Thousands of us have taken to the streets to fight for what’s right: access to a college education and a path to citizenship…

We’re the undocumented students of the DREAM Act…the “soñadores”…

Without papers, and without fear, we fight so our generation doesn’t get left behind.

But who opposed this bill? Who wants to quash our dreams?

Republicans. The same people who opposed the extension of unemployment benefits.

Republicans.  Who try to deny immigrant rights in Arizona and other states.

Republicans.  Who always seem to stand with big corporations against working families.

President Obama, the Armed Forces, Chambers of Commerce, universities and a majority of the public are on our side.

And they need our help.

This November 2nd, […] – vote for the candidates who support our families, and make our dreams come true.

This ad is paid for by the Service Employees International Union, Mi Familia Vota Civic Participation Campaign and America’s Voice

Via America’s Voice Online:

The six-figure ad buy is the largest national ad campaign from pro-immigration reform organizations, and it marks the beginning of a voter mobilization drive across the nation. The move is intended to hold politicians accountable for demonizing immigrants and for blocking progress on common sense immigration reform. Additionally, the ads are new to a voter mobilization strategy encouraging Latino and immigrant voters to make their voices heard at the polls.

Here’s another ad from MiFamiliaVota urging the Latino community to vote:

Ozomatli has also recorded a song for the National Council of La Raza (NCLR for short; you have to enter your e-mail address when you click on the “Download and Vote Nov. 2” button and then a link will be sent to you to download the song):


When you’re done listening, head over to NCLR’s site; they got a great list of resources to help mobilize the Latino vote.