I just love the way that new interactive media like this is breaking the door wide open to not only bring about new sets of values that challenge the old materialist me-firstism (and sometimes fallacious) profit-making ways AND on top of that, helping you do something really cool for your Mommy
Check this message out:
Dear Friends,
Bogged down in weighty political analyses, it’s easy to neglect our capacity to be light-hearted, goofy, and loving. This cute Mother’s Day video made us laugh. We’re sending it along in case you want to share it with the mothers in your life. Click on the pic below:Â

Click on this picture to make a customized video for your Mom with her own name!
 The first principle of our Spiritual Covenant with America calls for a society that promotes rather than undermines loving and caring relationships and families. Mother’s Day may have been transformed into a “Hallmark” occasion to encourage profligate spending, but the idea of honoring our mothers is one that we should reclaim from the competitive marketplace and make central to our lives. Any occasion that legitimates the public expression of genuine love and gratitude deserves to be re-created and made real in our lives.
Love and generosity can and should become the foundation for all of our politics — that’s precisely what we have in mind when we talk about a New Bottom Line. Please re-read our Spiritual Covenant with America to see what a difference that could make. And then, make it happen!
The video was developed by http://www.momsrising.org/, a group committed to ending economic discrimination against mothers. Tikkun’s July/August 2008 issue featured this article about the group’s potential to lead the United States toward a New Bottom Line.
Love and blessings,
Michael Lerner