Tell me what you think of Project Economic Refugee!

Only 6 questions, less than 5 mins.  Your responses are anonymous.

I need your help: could you please tell me how I can improve our work?

I am particularly interested in understanding your thoughts and feelings about what you like or dislike about Project Economic Refugee and what the project means to you.
If you could answer these short six questions, I would much appreciate.  The survey will take you less than five minutes promise! (However, if you prefer to take more than five minutes, please take as long as you’d like … the more detail you give in your answers, the better, of course!)

Here’s the link to the survey: 

You can be as brief or as detailed as you’d like.  There are no right or wrong answers, just be as honest as you can be!  The more honest, the better!

Thank you in advance!

Refugio “Reg”

Founder, Project Economic Refugee

PS After you’re done with the survey: if you would like to be notified of when a new story is featured on this website, you can sign up for an e-mail alert by clicking here and by joining Project Economic Refugee online (if you haven’t already done so) at: